Growing forest lodges Confort, Relax, Ecologic
12 bis rue de la Libération 17290 Thairé Charente Maritime
Numéro de téléphone les logis de la foret qui pousse +33652377708

'Cap Location Vacances' Insurance

A tile happens to you! Be covered at a lower cost.
Man OK
Stay covered

External events may force you to not come, arrive late or have unforeseen costs.

Insure yourself and get a refund of the sums paid* with our partner insurer.

We explain on this page what we can do for you.

(* excluding deductible)

What is the proposal?

We suggest that you get in touch with Chapka assurances™ to allow you to take out insurance that covers many external events forcing you to cancel or postpone your stay or which incur costs.

It takes into account your payments made, remaining to come, a replacement car, or your incurred expenses.

What does it cover?

It covers events such as:

Can you benefit from it?

In general yes if you subscribe within 48 hours of booking

See insurer's conditions.

What are the insurance rates?

This is a rate based on the cost of the stay. (3.8%)

Count for a stay with us:

  • For a week between 25€ et 35€.
  • On the day between 2 et 5€.

Admit it's reasonable

Which deductibles?

see the table of guarantees Chapka insurances™

How to subscribe?

Directly on this subscription page Chapka insurances™

How to be reimbursed for the cases provided for in the contract?

Directly with the insurer claim page

Frequently Asked Questions

I didn't subscribe. Can I do it now?

If you are within 48 hours of booking then yes you can apply.

Is it worth subscribing?

We cannot answer this question. It depends on your personal situation.

[ Text assurance-cap-loc from publicated : 2022-02-13 updated : 2022-02-18 ] Services


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